
One Room Challenge – Major Kitchen Renovation // Week 2



Here we go – kicking off week 2! While it may seem like we didn’t get a lot accomplished visually, we did check off a ton of the non flashy items. If this week had a spirit animal though, I think it would be a sloth.

In case you missed my post last week, head here to see what we are up to!

The old windows

The highlight of this week is we replaced four old steel frame, single-pane windows with more efficient white vinyl. We knew going in this task would be difficult, but not truely how much of a pain it would be. The old windows had to be cut from the brick, glass broken, and frames collapsed before they could be hauled away in pieces. As we expected, the plaster walls took a beating during this process. The vibration of the saw caused the majority of the plaster surrounding the windows to crack and crumble.




As you can see, we have a bit more plaster work to fix now!


New white vinyl window 

The plaster though, is the least of our worries at this point on week 2. We are currently at a stand still in demolition progress due to the dumpster being M.I.A. The dumpster was supposed to be delivered 10 days ago! Fingers crossed it will be delivered by the weekend.

We dealt with the story of the missing dumpster during our previous renovation. In that case we started demolition and collected it all in our carport (I’m sure the neighbors loved it!) The sucky thing about it was not the unsightliness, but having to move the junk twice once the dumpster arrived. I refuse to go down that road again, so we wait. On the bright side, I can cook a few days longer.

In the meantime, appliances are on their way, new cabinets are almost complete, countertop and backsplash are waiting for a template, tile for the floor is in, and our handyman is on standby.

I have high hopes we can get the majority of the demolition finished in a few days once that pesky dumpster arrives. I’m excited to dive even deeper into this kitchen renovation and finally get our hands dirty.

Remember to check back in next week!

Tentative To Do List For Next Week

  • Finish demo
  • Rough in electrical
  • Reroute water line for the fridge/freezer

Also, take a moment to check out the rest of the guest participants of the One Room Challenge here. There are a ton of cool room transformations in progress.